
Videos on commonly used JT2Go features now available

Two new JT2Go videos are now available from YouTube. 

Search for “Using PMI with JT2Go” or “Using JT2Go Measurement” in YouTube

Using PMI with JT2Go” shows how users can quickly navigate and display Model Views in JT files using JT2Go. The video also shows how to display PMI properties and navigate to PMI entities in the the PMI Tree Gallery 

Using JT2Go Measurement” demostrates in session measurement features and how to use the filtering and the QuickPick dialog to select entities to measure between.

These videos are also available as a play list

measurement video image.pngUsing the QuickPick feature in JT2GoPMI display video image.pnghe Model View Gallery provides easy access to Model Views

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at