
SemiEngineering: Raising The Abstraction Level For Power

Excerpt from article: “Raising the Abstraction Level for Power

Architectural Power

Early analysis can lead to the largest gains. “Certainly, higher abstraction provides more analysis capabilities and is much faster,” says Mohammed Fahad, product specialist at Siemens EDA. “Estimating power at a higher abstraction level becomes even more attractive to the user since it requires less preparation from a data readiness point of view.”

Early decisions determine the power and energy profile of a product. “Key choices such as how the design is partitioned into hardware versus software, the design architecture, and how the software controls the hardware have a high impact,” says Gupta. “Once the design architecture is locked in, logic synthesis and place-and-route can minimize the power required for that architecture.”

Read the entire article on SemiEngineering originally published on May 9th, 2019.

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