
Addressing the Challenges of Automotive Lightweight Designs

ForwardEngineeringComposites.pngAs the car of the future becomes a reality, there will be new demands on what is expected of engineering software; a shift will occur in engineering efforts towards software/electronics, lightweight materials and interiors.

The automotive industry faces impending regulations that will have a drastic impact on the way that mass produced vehicles are made. Automotive mixed materials lightweighting has been identified as the leading solution to become in compliance with impending automotive regulations.

Forward Engineering is at the forefront of lightweighting street legal cars, developing the lightest weight street legal sports car in the world – Roding Roadster R1.

We recently met up with the Forward Engineering team to discuss how they are incorporating mixed materials and new technologies into their designs and how specialized software solutions can address the unique challenges the lay ahead.

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How is your company addressing the upcoming automotive regulatory changes? Become part of the conversation below in our comments section.

Julianne Bass

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at