Solid Edge Engineering Design Competition 2016 successfully completed in Korea

Siemens PLM Software held ‘Solid Edge Engineering Design Competition 2016’ for university and graduate students from June 13 to September 30, 2016. Final 7 winners were awarded by Gold, Silver and Bronze.
The competition winners were impressed about the key strengths of Solid Edge through their very first Solid Edge experience. : “Easy and Intuitive software”, “Synchronous technology is the best!”.
Highlights is following:
- Introduce Solid Edge to universities and students broadly at 50 Universities in 5 cities in Korea
- +12 Media in Korea covered design competition
- 7 students were awarded for Gold/Silver/Bronze (award announcement page)
Park, KangHyuck (Gold prize) : “I didn’t’ know Solid Edge at all before this competition, but it took not much time to learn it. Easy and intuitive software ever!”
Choi, JinSoo(Silver prize): “Solid Edge’s Synchronous technology is very impressive! All function are fun to learn and fast! I am so satisfied to know Solid Edge.
- Gold winner interview on Cad&Graphics December issue
[Article summary] CAD&Graphics Decemter 2016 (Article link)
Solid Edge engineering design competition 2016 : to compete 3D design capability to realize imagination
Park, GangHyuk, a junior at Mechanical Engineering Department of Dankook University, received a gold prize for modeling a 1-seater race car by Solid Edge. He designed a 250- to 600-cc one-man race car that will be participated in a competition organized by KSAE2017 (The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers). Mr.Park said “It was difficult to design a complex structure such as a frame body. Solid Edge was able to easily modify the part of the model without modifying the sketch. When drawing tires, I had to repeat taking measurements of the tires of real cars and modeling without detailed specification data. Solid Edge includes structural analysis capabilities and is useful for reviewing durability. In addition, KeyShot, which is associated with Solid Edge, can help make understand modeling.▲ [Gold winner’s Design: Student Formula / Park, GangHyuk(Dankook University)]
More amazing designs of Silver, Bronze winner!▲[Silver winner’s Design: 4 Cylinder Engine Power Boat / Choi, JinSoo(Korea Polytechnic University)]
▲[Bronze winner’s Design: Turtle Ship/ Choi, JinSoo(Dongseo University)]
▲[Bronze winner’s Design: Milling Machine / Kim, KyungSeob (Ulsan College)]
▲[Bronze winner’s Design: Automated Jig Fastening Device/ Kwon, Bin (Ulsan University)]
▲[Bronze winner’s Design: Bicycle/ Seo, JeongWook (Dongseo University)]
▲[Bronze winner’s Design: RC Helicopter / Ahn, HongYoep (Ulsan University)]
For more Siemens PLM Software academic partner program information, please visit our homepage.