
Siemens Collaborates with KNU in South Korea to Empower Future Digital Talent

By Hilary

This Monday (Aug.6th) Siemens Digital Industries Software signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Kyungpook National University Gifted and Talented Development Institute for software education, and both parties will collaborate on education of student engineers for science and technology areas, and to foster human resources with creativity capability.

Two Executives (Asian).jpgRepresentatives from Siemens Digital Industries Software and Kyungpook National University .

The goal of this collaboration is to cultivate the scientific and technological students, who will lead the future development of Korea’s IT industry and modernise the Korean manufacturing industry. Both organizations will work together to develop education and training programs required for the innovation of the manufacturing industry in Korea.

The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which based on digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, IoT (Internet of Things), and additive manufacturing, creates a dramatic skills gap demanding an educational environment, where students can build capabilities in the latest technologies. The Maker Movement, which enables the immediate conversion of ideas into actual products, has been drawing much attention in the manufacturing industry. This Maker Movement is an innovative and creative activity that individuals or groups of individuals create products by themselves with imagination and creativity. The movement is adopted in the education sector and is evolving as what is called ‘Maker Education.’ Maker Education is a way of educating students to create or discover new things by solving problems via computers and electronic devices.

To foster such creative talents, Siemens Digital Industries Software STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education program, provides Siemens engineering software, including Solid Edge. The student version of Solid Edge, which includes a wide array of educational curricula and tutorial, is available for download to all Kyungpook students and educational workers.

In accordance with the memorandum, Kyungpook National University Gifted and Talented Development Institute will conduct human resources development and education training within its own area of responsibility. Both organizations plan to organize a group of staff dedicated to developing the required educational programs, teaching materials, and education training techniques. Siemens Digital Industries Software will provide students with the Solid Edge software free of charge and educate the teaching staff on the latest STEM curricula. Ultimately, both organizations aim to cultivate students with digital skills and knowledge required to solve problems creatively by giving students opportunities to experience the software at an early age.

Byung-Joon Oh, Country Manager of Siemens Digital Industries Software Korea, said, “I am pleased to collaborate with Kyungpook National University Gifted and Talented Development Institute, which is working hard to cultivate the technologically gifted and improve their educational environment. In the Fourth Industrial Revolution era, the importance of STEM education is growing exponentially. Students need to experience software as early as they can and establishing proper education environment in which they can build their skills is very essential. We will work closely with Kyungpook National University to provide students with the required experience and knowledge to develop them into leaders of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

To get more details on Siemens Digital Industries Software Academic Partner Program, please refer to here.

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