
Realize LIVE 2023 Design Hack

Realize LIVE:

Siemens Digital Industries Software holds its premier user conference, Realize LIVE, annually in America and Europe. This event showcases how innovation starts in the classroom and advances through industry to shape the future. This year Realize LIVE will host the first ever 48 hour Student Sustainability Design Hack Challenge in Las Vegas from June 12-14th. 

During the challenge student competitors will be optimizing the design of a chassis component for sustainability and manufacturability. The event gives you the opportunity to  begin your career by collaborating with Siemens Digital Industries Software experts and technology, as well as a strong global community of partners. KYBURZ Switzerland AG is also a sponsor of the competition.

The challenge involves a 48-hour sustainable engineering design-hack competition using NX™ software, which is included in the Siemens Xcelerator business platform of software, hardware, and services. This event provides an opportunity for you and your classmates to work together and showcase your skills.

Teams in the design hack challenge can consist of up to five undergraduate or graduate students, with at least two members required to be present on site at Realize LIVE and up to three virtual participants allowed. Students from any major can participate, and each team must have two members proficient in computer-aided design. Other recommended skills include presentations, networking, and knowledge on sustainability, business, manufacturing, and engineering design for automotive. Interested students can apply by registering on the website and submitting their resumes. Participating in the challenge provides students with real-life experience and access to technical coaches, mentors, and industry professionals. The winning team will receive an Oculus Quest each and present their proposed solution at Realize LIVE, with a chance to implement it with KYBURZ or Siemens. Siemens will pay for two competitors’ hotel rooms and registrations, valued at over $1,500. Students will need to fund their travel, and colleges and universities are encouraged to help cover the costs.

Check out this site for more information about Design Hack at Realize LIVE!

For Customers:

Activation and experience for customers is the key focus for Siemens, with a specific emphasis on unlocking the potential of the next generation. Customers will have the opportunity to earn a badge and receive a physical badge or pin. The goal is to drive customers to student LinkedIn profiles to experience what it takes to unlock the genius of tomorrow. Additionally, a Design Hack is offered as a creative approach to addressing sustainability challenges and collaborating with the next generation to solve real problems for Siemens customers.

Interested attendees of Realize LIVE can contribute to this initiative by helping students and getting involved. Siemens’ overall value proposition for the Design Hack is to offer an opportunity for students to learn more about NX software and sustainability, and have a positive influence on their community. With this program, Siemens aims to build a pool of high-caliber talent, and students can showcase their soft skills through an anonymous portfolio.

For customers looking to find and hire top talent, badging is an effective tool. Siemens encourages customers to look for NX certifications and cutting-edge innovation from the future workforce. The company is also creating a program to identify Siemens badged and certified student candidates. The call to action is to stop by the Sustainability Design Hack and learn how to hire student candidates with the skills needed for their organization.

Event timeline 

Monday: 10 a.m. – Design hack challenge meeting
Monday: Noon – Challenge kickoff
Tuesday: Challenge
Wednesday: Noon – Designs due
Wednesday: Afternoon – Presentations, judging and awards
Thursday: Top three teams present to the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Council 

About the sponsors 

KYBURZ Switzerland takes sustainability to heart. It takes responsibility for the world of tomorrow by actively helping to master ecological and social challenges. Their goal is to establish a circular economy and promote it with advanced processes and innovative solutions. KYBURZ uses resources in an environmentally friendly way and raw materials are returned to the cycle at the end of product life. 

Sustainability is a key part of our strategy at Siemens Digital Industries Software. It is deeply embedded in our business activities, investment decisions and governance. With our DEGREE framework, we are dedicated to creating a better tomorrow by doing more with less. DEGREE is based on the following six fields of action with clear priorities that drive our unique approach to sustainability: decarbonization, ethics, governance, resource efficiency, equity, employability.

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