
Inspire the People who Inspire You

By MLombard

images.jpgThe Solid Edge Huntsville office regularly features actual customer products in display cases in the public areas of the office. I know when I go to Huntsville, I always take some time to look at customer product displays in detail. I just love to look at stuff and imagine it in all phases of its creation – design, manufacturing and assembly.

This would be a good chance for you to show off your work, as well as for your company to get a little exposure.

The physical product must fit into a 10 inch cube, your company must be a Solid Edge customer and must have designed the product in Solid Edge. You must be able to ship it to Huntsville, Alabama. Any kind of product will be considered that meets the requirements, but there is a fondness for machine design type applications. More than one product may be chosen. You can submit actual products, 3D printed models, or scaled models.

Get started by submitting a photo of the physical object or screen capture of a Solid Edge display to Dan Staples at

Best of luck to everyone!


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