Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Embedded Software

Where does Ford make its paint?

There is a good, albeit rather general, rule that applies to the management of a successful business: focus on what...

Corporate Blog

Beware of customers as the main source of innovation

I was catching up with my social production feeds in Google Reader last night and ran across a report from Grant Thornton International from September (via Mass Customization and Open Innovation). I...

Electronic Systems Design

Desktop PCB and Technology

Mentor Graphics’ Technology Leadership Awards were recently announced. These awards recognize engineers and designers who use innovative methods and design...

Corporate Blog

EMO: Innovation for Machine Tool Builders

At this year's EMO in Milan, Italy, more than 1,500 machine tool builders exhibited their new innovations. Siemens provided several innovations for these machine tool builders and their customers. He...

Embedded Software

Time travel

Time is a funny thing. Mostly it just happens – now follows then and in due course along comes whenever....

Corporate Blog

PLM Connection: Summary

In case you missed the posts from PLM Connection Europe, here is a recap of some our social media activity. Our blog team for this event is pictured above: Markus, moi and Nik. Combined, we posted qu...

Embedded Software

Introducing the iBrush

Today, for a change, instead of discussing some embedded software technology, I would like to put forward a concept for...

Corporate Blog

PLM Connection: NX CAM – SINUMERIK Advantage

Siemens merges the virtual and physical worlds … and you are getting it for free. The integrative part is the post processor which connects the NX CAM system with the SINUMERIK controller of your ...

Corporate Blog

The CAD Wave

The buzz in the social media scene the last couple weeks has been Google Wave. This is a new technology coming out from Google that essentially reinvents email. Whether this is the best thing since e...