
High Tech Equipment Manufacturer Reduces Non-compliance by 70 Percent

By Stephanie Aldrete

Diakont Group has taken a step-by-step approach to deploying computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Today, nearly all projects at Diakont are developed using Siemen’s Solid Edge, while Siemen’s NX CAM is used for creating NC code for many equipment types. Now, since Solid Edge and NX CAM are integrated, design and manufacturing planning productivity for complex parts has increased by 50 percent. 

The Problem:

As the number of numerical control (NC) tools increased in 2011 and 2012, it became clear that shop floor programing was no longer an option.

The Epiphany:

NX was chosen primarily because its CAM functionality takes greater advantage of the capabilities of the company’s NC machine tools compared to competing solutions. It also supports the specific features of the company’s tools and controllers, so there is no need to make corrections to the postprocessor’s output.

The Execution:

Diakont takes advantage of the extensive functionality of NX CAM, including solid modeling; assembly creation and machining of assemblies; and drafting (for the creation of manufacturing drawings and setup charts). The company also utilizes the software’s programming for turning operations and multi-spindle lathes and multi-axis milling.

The Results:           

The use of the CAD and CAM solutions from Siemens PLM Software has greatly reduced development time. One of the reasons for that is faster manufacturing planning. Previously, the company had incompatible CAD and CAM systems so the manufacturing engineer had to re-create a model from scratch based on its 2D drawing. The process was very long and error prone.

Now, since Solid Edge and NX CAM are integrated, there are no errors and productivity is much improved.

Mikhail Uvarov Head, Analytics Department, Diakont Group

Read the complete case study, High-tech equipment manufacturer improves productivity by 50 percent for faster time to market.

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