
Is CAM Data Organizer for you?

By Stephanie Aldrete

CAM Data Organizer (product concept)

We are seeking your input for a product concept called CAM Data Organizer.  Please read the description and complete the form below.  Thank you for your help.

Does your company have many CAM parts?  Are users struggling to find relevant parts, e.g. for reuse? Then CAM Data Organizer might be for you.

Automatically organize your CAM parts

Use CAM Data Organizer to find your CAM parts using filters like:

  • Machine used

  • Tools used (Name / Type)

  • Operations used (Name / Type)

  • Part material

  • Who has last modified the CAM part?

  • When was the CAM part last modified?

Combine the filters to e.g. find CAM parts programmed last year, with Aluminum parts, on machine XYZ with operations that include “ream.”


Organize it your way

Use automatically generated or user-defined tags to find parts using keywords. Combine this with the standard search filters.


Get the most out of your CAM data

Automatically organize your CAM data in a way so that all users can easily find what they are looking for. Retaining knowledge that is captured in previously programmed CAM parts is hard for a single user, it is even harder across teams or sites. Even while using a PDM system it is not easy to find what your users are looking for. CAM Data Organizer allows users to easily find and reuse best practices. 

CAM Data Organizer seamlessly works with native NX CAM and doesn’t require to change any of your established workflows. It can also be integrated with PDM systems such as Teamcenter.


Are you interested and want to know more about this product concept?

Please complete this short survey to get more information about the product concept for CAM Data Organizer.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at