
Accelerating the next wave of semiconductor innovation – AMS verification on the cloud 

By Nebabie Kebebew

Are we over the chip shortage? The latest projections show that the chip shortage will not ease significantly until later in 2023. But the semiconductor demand is not letting up, on the contrary, it is growing to serve the ever-increasing applications for – mobile platforms, automotive, high-performance and edge computing. In particular, custom chip designs are rapidly becoming vital for emerging fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), self-driving cars and 5G. As more chip design and verification flows incorporate AI, this leads to more data to process, exploding computational demand.

On-premises compute capacity (data center) is limited. It has been challenging to predict compute needs, leading design teams to underestimate or overestimate the compute resource required for chip design and verification. To meet the changing compute demand, companies need to continuously invest in new machines and storage systems, which can be expensive, leading to high capital expenditure.

The IDG Computing survey reports that cloud technology has established its permanent importance in a company’s IT environment. The survey also notes, on average, companies expect to allocate about a third (32%) of their total IT budget to cloud computing. The flexibility, scalability, and elasticity the cloud provides, has made it an attractive on-demand compute resources for EDA tools. 

The confluence of market pressure and the high capital expenditure has compelled chip design teams to leverage on-demand cloud computing – to address peak compute capacity requirements, accelerate innovation and meet time to market goals. 

Siemens EDA is collaborating with CSPs (Cloud Service Providers) to deliver AMS cloud-ready solutions and drive silicon innovation. For more information on why EDA on the cloud drives silicon innovation and about Siemens EDA’s AMS cloud-ready solutions, I encourage you to review the recently published article EDA in the Cloud is Driving Innovation.

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