
Video: IIoT and MOM accelerate manufacturing digitalization efforts

By Eric Mitchell

The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is enhancing manufacturing performance for companies across the globe and the industrial spectrum – especially as IIoT capabilities combine with the robust functionality of Siemens Opcenter manufacturing operations management (MOM) solutions. IIoT distributes intelligence using smart sensors and devices to decentralize and enhance the performance of MOM functions. These functions include production planning and scheduling, manufacturing execution, quality management, and manufacturing intelligence.

The manufacturing realm has experienced tremendous innovation in recent years and promises even more in the next decade. IIoT-enabled manufacturing operations allow for machine-to-machine communications, self-diagnosis and self-correction, and many other intelligence-based advancements that raise quality and productivity throughout your manufacturing enterprise. The combination of IIoT and MOM enables smart manufacturing that empowers your manufacturing team to better comprehend, coordinate and take control over all aspects of the manufacturing cycle.

Leveraging IIoT, MOM and cloud analytics, the smart manufacturing enterprise harnesses the vast quantities of data generated on the manufacturing floor by collecting, analyzing and turning it into actionable information. These capabilities help to turn raw data into smart data – and smart data is the foundation of data-driven manufacturing excellence, the goal of forward-looking companies in the manufacturing space.

The integration of these digital tools improves centralized decision-making, supports greater product diversification and just-in-time (JIT) implementation, and facilitates a more efficient supply chain. This set of benefits is vital in today’s industrial landscape, which remains volatile and unpredictable even as businesses revitalize their revenue generation in a post-pandemic ecosystem.

IIOT and Manufacturing Operations Managent Video

View our video to experience how the IIoT’s seamless device connectivity and advanced analysis combine with defined-data content to support enhanced MOM functionality. Enable your smart manufacturing to better comprehend, coordinate, and give you control over all aspects of your manufacturing lifecycle. See our video today!

Learn more about Siemens MOM solutions.

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